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1096 Tax Forms

We offer laser and continuous 1096 forms. A 1096 is a one-page, summary or compilation sheet that shows the totals of the information returns that you are physically mailing to the IRS 1096 form to summarize 1099, 1098 and 5498 information for the IRS. You are required to complete one 1096 form for each payer. Forms are 8 ½” x 11” with perforations and are printed with required red scannable ink.

1096 Continuous Transmittals (2- Part)
1096 Continuous Transmittals (2- Part)
Summary And Transmittal
2-Part Continuous
Required By The Federal Government To Ensure Tax Payers Are Complying With Federal Tax Law Filings
And Up
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1096 Laser Transmittals (1- Part)
1096 Laser Transmittals (1- Part)
Summary And Transmittal
Single Sheet Laser
8 ½” X 11” With No Perforations
Required By The Federal Government To Ensure Tax Payers Are Complying With Federal Tax Law Filings
And Up
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1096 Laser Transmittals ( 25 Pack)
1096 Laser Transmittals ( 25 Pack)
Summary And Transmittal
Single Sheet Laser
8 ½” X 11” With No Perforations
Required By The Federal Government To Ensure Tax Payers Are Complying With Federal Tax Law Filings
And Up
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Monday through Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm ET
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200 Riverside Industrial Pkwy, Portland ME 04103