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1095 & 1094 Health Coverage Forms

The Affordable Care Act contains comprehensive health insurance reforms and includes tax provisions that affect individuals, families, businesses, insurers, tax-exempt organizations and government entities. These tax provisions contain important changes, including how individuals and families file their taxes. The law also contains benefits and responsibilities for other organizations and employers.

1095-B Employee Copy
1095-B Employee Copy
And Up
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1095-B Continuation-Employee Copy
1095-B Continuation-Employee Copy
And Up
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1095-B IRS Copy Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
1095-B IRS Copy Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
And Up
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1095-B Continuation-IRS Copy
1095-B Continuation-IRS Copy
And Up
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1095-C Employee Copy
1095-C Employee Copy
And Up
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1095-C Continuation - Employee Copy
1095-C Continuation - Employee Copy
And Up
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1095-C Bundle Includes Employee, Employer Copy, IRS Copy, Envelope
1095-C Bundle Includes Employee, Employer Copy, IRS Copy, Envelope
And Up
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1094-B Laser Transmittal
1094-B Laser Transmittal
And Up
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1094-C Laser Transmittal
1094-C Laser Transmittal
And Up
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Customer Service Available
Monday through Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm ET
Ph: 800.245.5775 Fax: 800.893.0177
Email: info@checksforless.com
200 Riverside Industrial Pkwy, Portland ME 04103